Megan Harris
Playing Madge Metcalfe
I have been acting since an early age, at school & college,
Also as a member of Willpower Youth Theatre, where I
Performed in many productions.
I went on to study acting at St Martin’s College, Lancaster
& gained a 2:1. After University I attended acting classes
In Manchester to further my skills, & also become a member
Of Wigan Little Theatre. There I played the role of Curley’s
Wife in John Steinbeck’s Of Mice & Men, & the title role of
Jane Eyre in Charlotte Bronte’s novel.
Whilst also working on various backstage elements on the
Majority of productions over the last few years. I am currently
Attending film & TV acting training classes in Bolton as I now
Want to branch out into this medium. Over the last few years
I have performed in many showcases, had a few small parts on
TV & Film, & recently passed my LAMDA gold examination.