David Degiorgio
Playing Uncle John Shaw
David completed his National Diploma in the Performing Arts
At Wigan & Leigh College & was awarded student of the year
For his efforts. He was then accepted to the Arden School of
Theatre where he completed a three year course & received his
Degree in acting.
Since leaving he has gained credits in theatre roles such as
Romeo & Juliet, playing the part of Romeo, Merlin the Magician,
Playing king Arthur & has also just finished performing in 24/7
Theatre festival in Manchester, in the highly reviewed & award
Winning The Crimson Retribution.
David has also worked on numerous short films & has gained
Principal roles in feature films Seeking Smoke & 21:30.
It was by chance that David was given details about the feature
Film that was being shot locally, however it was only when
Contacting Brian that was discovered that it was based around the
Person that he has often studied & always admired. This is by far
The most important film project David has worked on. After chats
With Brian & learning about their similar love for Laurel & Hardy
David feels that along with the rest of the passionate cast & crew,
This production will clearly help inform & demonstrate the
Importance in remembering a classic movie icon.